Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wii U Price and Release TBA 2012, Mario Kart 7 NEW Pics, and Vita passes FCC

Wow, so have a ton of news already and this is about how Nintendo will not announce the Wii U's price or Release Date until 2012 because they are focusing on the 3DS hardware right now and are still trying to recover from this price drop for the 3DS. Also, have 20 new Mario Kart 7 pics including the logo of the game. Also have some news about how some 3DS games may not even use the 3D effect whatsoever, how nintendo also lowered the price to be more accessible for children, and how the PS Vita has passed the FCC so the PS Vita might just release later this year! Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is also confirmed for the Wii. Enjoy and please remember to comment, like, and subscribe! Stay tuned for more 3DS vids and walkthroughs! :)

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