Monday, November 7, 2011

Destructoid - Marvel vs Capcom 3 BLOWOUT! Playstation Phone leaks AGAIN! Plus, CES Switchblades! - Destructoid

DESTRUCTOID 0036 It's the first Friday of the New Year, and doesn't it feel great? It's hard to believe that at the start of the week, there was almost nothing worth reporting about -- now we've been covered in a veritable avalanche of video-game related journalism. CES was obviously the big news in all things consumer electronics this week, and we've got a few quick hits that you need to know about (most noticeably, an amazing portable gaming machine). We're also getting closer to the first big releases of the year, including Dtoid favorite Marvel vs Capcom 3. Nick Chester has had a hand on it for a few weeks now, and we've got the gameplay footage and costumes to prove it. As if that wasn't enough, Capcom went and revealed 2 more characters for the roster, although we kinda saw that coming. Oh, and did you hear that there's a Playstation Phone coming? Well now we know that it actually plays games, and isn't just a poseur. Story #1 - Two more characters announced for Marvel vs Capcom 3: The oft-rumored Phoenix/Jean Grey and Mike Haggar officially join the STILL not-fully-revealed lineup. Max hates Phoenix, but everyones excited about the Hag-man. Story #2 - Speaking of Marvel vs Capcom 3...: Nick Chester has an EPIC MvC3 preview ready for you guys. Check out some copious gameplay footage, as well as lots of alternate costumes/colors. Story #3 - Razer announces Switchblade Mobile PC Gaming platform at CES: Razer ...

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